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Once your paper is accepted the registration phase begins. You have to complete following FOUR registration steps. There are TWO tracks in this conference, (1) Springer Track, and (2) IDES Track. The authors of FULL PAPERS and SHORT PAPERS can either submit their Camera Ready Papers (CRP) and Registration Form to Springer Track, or to IDES Track.  But the authors of POSTER PAPERS and TUTORIAL PAPERS can only submit their CRP and Registration Form to IDES Track.

The CRPs submitted to Springer Track will be published in the conference proceedings by the Springer and the presented papers will be available in Springer Link Digital Library. The CRPs submitted to IDES Track will be published by the IDES CPS in LSCS Series will be published in Search DL Library.

Step 1 - Registration Fee
It is mandatory for at least one author of an accepted paper to register in order for the paper to appear in the Proceedings and be included in the Technical Program. If an author has got more than one accepted papers, each paper has to be registered but limitted to maximum TWO registrations and presentation.

Paper Registration

Springer Track

IDES Track

Authors from Host Country

International authors

Authors from Host Country

International authors

 For non ACEEE Members

USD 450

USD 500

USD 300

USD 350

For ACEEE Members

USD 400

USD 475

USD 275

USD 325

For ACEEE Student Members

USD 350

USD 450

USD 250

USD 300

First AuthorRegistration Fees is mandatory for all the papers; it includes listing the papers in the Springer Link digital library and in technical program, the CD media of the Proceedings, Attendance, Lunch, Morning & Evening Snacks for one author. Only ACEEE student members can avail the student deduction.

Extra Charges (if applicable)


All Authors

Extra page charge (per Page)

USD 20

Print Media of the Proceedings

USD 50

Additional Conf Kit with CD Media

USD 20

Additional Food Coupon

USD 30


USD 80

IDES T-Shirt

USD 50

NOTE: If the total order of Conference Bag and Conference T-Shirt is less than 20, amount paid towards these Conference Accessories will be refunded. Print media of the proceedings (if ordered) will be dispatched from the conference secretariat to the authors on the second day of the conference.

Additional Registration Fees - Co-Author or Attendee/Listener or Spouse

Co-Author or Attendee/Listener or Spouse

Authors from Host country

International authors

For non-ACEEE Members)

USD 275

USD 325

For ACEEE Members

USD 250

USD 300

Additional Registration Fees is applicable to second registration of any co-author of an already registered paper. If the co-authors of a paper is looking for additional registration above frees are applicable. This fees ia also applicable to Attendees or Listeners or Spouses who wish to particiate in the conference and discussions. One Additional Registration includes participation in all technical programs, the CD media of the Proceedings, Attendance, Lunch, Morning & Evening Snacks for one delegate.

Students (UG/PG Students and only Full time Research/PhD Scholars) have to submit their scanned copy of the ID card along with the Reg, form to avail the deduction. When the students are coming for the presentation, they have to produce the original Student ID card and Bonafied certificate from the Head of the Institution.

Step 2 - Registration

It is mandatory for at least one author of an accepted paper to register in order for the paper to appear in the Proceedings and be included in the Technical Program. If an author has got more than one accepted papers, each paper has to be registered but limitted to maximum TWO registrations and presentation.

There are TWO tracks in this conference, (1) Springer Track, and (2) IDES Track. The authors of FULL PAPERS and SHORT PAPERS can either submit their Camera Ready Papers (CRP) and Registration Form to Springer Track, or to IDES Track.  But the authors of POSTER PAPERS and TUTORIAL PAPERS can only submit their CRP and Registration Form to IDES Track.

The CRPs submitted to Springer Track will be published by the Springer and will be available in Springer Link Digital Library. The CRPs submitted to IDES Track will be published by the IDES CPS in AE-CS Series will be published in Search DL Library.

Send your completed registration form along with the scanned copy of the proof of payments to act.chair @

Step 3 - Copyright Transfer

Authors who are eligible and submitting their camera ready papers to Springer Track may use the Springer Copyright Form; and the authors submitting the CRP and registration form to IDES Track may use the ACEEE Copyright Form.

Springer Copyright forms can be downloaded from » PDF Copyright  » DOC Copyright 

ACEEE Copyright forms can be downloaded from » PDF Copyright 

All Authors have to sign (for their individual paper) Copyright Transfer Form, which is in PDF format and uploaded later in this space. Send your completed copyrights forms to the following email ID only act.chair @

Step 4 - Camera Ready Paper (CRP) Submission

Authors who are eligible and submitting their camera ready papers to Springer Track may submit the same in specific single column Springer format; and the authors submitting the CRP to IDES Track may use the double column ACEEE template. Failing this will result in rejection. All camera ready papers must be submitted in MS WORD file format only (PDF is NOT accepted).

The Springer common template guidelines, available at WORD | PDF

The ACEEE double column template, available at WORD | PDF

Maximum allowed pages (while submitting the camera ready paper) for different categories are limited to as follows

Paper Category

Free Pages

Paying Extra Charge

Full paper

8 Pages

4 Pages

Short Paper

6 Pages

3 Pages

Poster Paper

4 Pages

3 Pages

Tutorial paper

4 Pages

3 Pages

CRP - Submission 1:- Once your paper is accepted (after peer review) to appear in the technical program and proceedings; submit your CRP in the stipulated format (within 30 days of acceptance) after incorporating the reviewers comment.

Final CRP - Submission 2:- During presentation of your paper, definitely you will be receiving many comments from the Session Chairs and Fellow Researchers. You may incorporate such comments and submit the Final CRP in stipulated format, (within 30 days after the conference) before it is finally appearing online digital library and to the research world.